Master’s Audio Club Interview – Frank Gambuzza
January 30, 2017

Frank’s Barbershop is pleased to now offer BBA products at both locations
February 21, 2018Maggie Mulhern | January 27, 2017 | 6:46 AM
Has the dust settled since the explosive announcement that the Ted Gibson Salon on 5th Avenue in NYC closed unexpectedly?
No – it has not. Our most recent post on the reactions from several key salon owners, seems to have stirred up conversation again.
MODERN reached out Frank Gambuzza to see if there is any new buzz among the 400 members of Intercoiffure America/Canada.
[kleo_button title=”Read the entire article at Modern Salon” href=”http://www.modernsalon.com/article/78438/frank-gambuzza-thoughts-on-the-future-of-salon-ownership” target=”_blank” style=”default” size=”4″ ]